Living Next Door To Larry – Part 2 – down.river
This next stuff comes out of much passion and zeal, sometimes I wonder if my thoughts even become a little prophetic. Just to think, that seven men of God in a small village call Mille Roches, ninety nine years ago, tarried, waited, prevailed in the presence God, and were so moved with design purpose that it has impacted our nation.
Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. Psalm 2:8
Those present were R. E. McAlister, R. E. Sternall, C. E. Baker, W. L. Draffin, H. A. Goss, C. L. Cross, and G. A. Chambers, allow me to thank God for these men and any others that were part of the igniting of Pentecostal Fire.
A dear friend of my Rev. Richard Green remembers one of the ladies who prevailed before God and in a public meeting declared that the name of the new church should be “Immanuel (God with us) Pentecostal Church”.
Just to help all my readers, I attend a Pentecostal Church, hold credentials with the PAOC, and have also experienced Pentecost according to Acts 2. Oh yes I’m a tongue speaken, Holy Ghost leapen, power peaken, purpose tweeken individual that God continues to dispatch His glory on with design intention. I’ve come out of the upper room experience not to be misunderstood, but to stand up, speak up and declare that these are the last days.
And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2
Holy Whaa!!!, Holy Whaa!!!, Whaa!!!, Let’s get to the HEART of the matter
The actual location of Milles Roches lies under the water of the St Lawrence River approximately fourteen kilometers west of RH Saunders Power station. Now millions of gallons of water flow over the initial igniting flame at Mille Roches and generates over six billion-kilowatt hours of electricity, equivalent to meeting the needs of over 600,000 homes.
Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations;
Isaiah 58:12a
The river of God that flowed out of Miles Roches back in the day formed an awesome movement that continues to impact our nation and nations around the world. As the largest missional organization in Canada, The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada is a Fellowship of more than 1,100 churches across English and French speaking Canada. More than 235,000 people across the nation attend services in more than 40 languages, 3,500 pastors and ministry leaders felt the call of God to walk with this great movement. Nine districts, two branch conferences and more than 275 missionaries, carry out the mandate of God effectively in communities all across Canada and around the world.
Can someone shout
“thank you Lord for the river that flowed and continues to flow ”
Sorry, Tim Hortons or Walmart, coming to town don’t excite me as much as communities of believers and their influence that it brings.
I want to make you aware of a vision by Fusksia Pickett in a book “The Next Move of God”. I’ve haven’t finished the book yet, but I’m hoping to in the next few days.
Fushsia was waiting on God in 1963, in the spirit she was taken into the heavenlies and believes she saw the coming rival. Although at the time this vision came out of a community called Klamath Falls, Oregon, I truly believe it confirms what God has been speaking to me about for Canada.
Here are some inserts from, “The Next Move of God” by Fusksia Pickett
“The HolySpirit used the analogy of a hydroelectric power plant to explain to me what He was going to do.”
“Above the church, high in the heavenlies, I saw the excavation for the building of a huge hydroelectric power plant. God laid the solid concrete foundation carefully, measuring the sand that went into it exactly.”
“Then He erected the power plant section by section. I saw the pipes; the dam and all its massive gates; out from which He ran prime lines, primary lines and secondary lines through great transformers to many points of distribution. After that He began to fill the reservoirs with water, teaching me that unless a certain level of water was maintained the high powered dynamo could not function properly.”
“As I watched, I saw a church without walls”
“Above this plant I saw Christ, the head of the church”
“Somehow I understood that He was flowing His living water only to churches where deep wells and reservoirs had been dug.”
“I saw pipes being placed underground from one fountain head to another."
“The pipes formed a network of churches to churches”
Sorry but allow me to SHOUT - HALLELUJAH – GLORY TO GOD
Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts. - Psalm 42:7
Believe me I don’t only have my night vision goggles on to understand our present day, but in the Spirit I’m already among the thousand stones of Mille Roches, deep in the river of God and I’m believing for great and mighty things to happen in our area.
Just a word of warning, I had a very dark and painful dream a week or so ago, I felt the 21st chapter of Isaiah was not only a prophecy about Babylon years ago and possibly future events, but it also spoke to me about our current situation in Canada.
All the verses stood out, but this one spoke loud, The watchman says, “Morning comes but also night. - Isaiah 21:12a
We may have darker days yet Canadian friends, but again out of those dark and yet dispairing days a light will appear. Thank you Jesus.
It will also cost us dearly, as I also believe, we will move into a season of spiritual warfare,
They set the table, they spread out the cloth, they eat, they drink; “Rise up, captains, oil the shields,”
Isaiah 21:5
Put the full armor of God on daily, oil your shields and fight the good fight of faith.
"No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their vindication is from Me,” declares the Lord
Isaiah 54:17
A word that continues to surface at Seaway Church in Prescott is that of "preparation". We are convinced that God is and about to dispatch His glory upon humankind once again, but we need to prepare for a divine visitation. Sometimes I wonder if Revelation 3:20 is a corporate plead because it is addressed to a church verses an individual's heart.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me
After a word of warning I should give you some sound advice,
Prayer can’t be our God, but we must trump ministry time with relationship time in the context of intimacy with God. Uncanonized writings can’t be our Bread, but biblical Truth is what will set us free and give us fresh new perspective. Spiritual feelings can’t be our Oil, but God's manifesting presence that brings transforming purpose and intention for our journey.
These next line few lines are the cause of many sleepless nights.
After much warfare, which will include a pulling down of spiritual strongholds in this present darkness, plus many battles will be faught out within the community of believers concerning the validation of the move of God and carnallty. I truly believe there will be a flood, an oil spill, transmitted sounds and heavenly wind in the spirit that will be impacting, imparting and immeasurable.
Father God is our Potter and Gift Giver, Jesus is our Commander and Chief and the Holy Spirit is our Guide and Power, follow Their lead
Also in the weeks to come I will share with you a dream I had concerning Isaiah 21 and how important it is for us to have “night vision” as we move forward and understand the times.